Investigative Assistance

Dedicated Investigative Assistance (NICB IA Group)

Looking for Information on a VIN or a Vehicle Part?

  • Email:
  • Phone: 800-447-6282, ext. 7002 (follow prompts based on the nature of your inquiry)

The NICB Investigative Assistance (IA) Group is the contact center for law enforcement agency inquiries for vehicle theft and identification information and investigations. Examples of law enforcement inquiries include:

  • Obtaining vehicle claims history;
  • Building a vehicle identification number from secondary locations or component parts;
  • Identifying stolen or burned vehicles;
  • Searching for information on individuals suspected of committing insurance fraud; and
  • Searching for vehicles or people that may have been involved in major crimes.

NICB Investigative Assistance or ISO ClaimSearch®?

Law enforcement, criminal justice and regulatory agency personnel may obtain online access to ISO ClaimSearch, the world’s largest database of property/casualty claims. This database includes property/casualty claims data on property, casualty and automobile claims, including physical damage, theft and salvage information. Plus, the ability to run routine inquiries from your own computer could speed up your investigative process.

ISO ClaimSearch offers three levels of law enforcement access:

  • Full Access
  • Vehicle Only Access
  • VINassist Only Access

Contact NICB Technical Support via our email or phone number below for law enforcement ISO ClaimSearch access inquries or additional information.

Use this chart to determine the best source for your inquiry

ISO ClaimSearch

Query vehicle identifiers, such as VIN, license plate or component parts

NICB Investigative Assistance (IA Group)

Secondary vehicle identifier locations


Access to vehicle claim history, including vehicle thefts, salvage and total loss records

NICB Investigative Assistance (IA Group)

Build-up/cross reference partial VINs and component parts

Access to information on impounded vehicles

NICB Investigative Assistance (IA Group)

Offline suspect runs

Manufacturer shipping and assembly information

NICB Investigative Assistance (IA Group)

Microfiche of vehicle shipping and assembly information on pre-1981 vehicles

National Crime Information Center (NCIC) mirror image of recovered vehicles

NICB Investigative Assistance (IA Group)

Information available on cars, trucks, motorcycles, trailers, boats, heavy equipment

NCIC purge vehicle files

NICB Investigative Assistance (IA Group)

Information from vehicle manufacturers

ISO ClaimSearch

NICB Investigative Assistance (IA Group)

Query vehicle identifiers, such as VIN, license plate or component parts

Secondary vehicle identifier locations


Access to vehicle claim history, including vehicle thefts, salvage and total loss records

Build-up/cross reference partial VINs and component parts

Access to information on impounded vehicles

Offline suspect runs

Manufacturer shipping and assembly information

Microfiche of vehicle shipping and assembly information on pre-1981 vehicles

National Crime Information Center (NCIC) mirror image of recovered vehicles

Information available on cars, trucks, motorcycles, trailers, boats, heavy equipment

NCIC purge vehicle files

Information from vehicle manufacturers



  • Phone: 800-447-6282, ext. 7002 or 847-544-7002 (follow prompts based on the nature of your inquiry)
  • Email:

NICB Technical Support