NICB and the New Jersey Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor co-host webinar


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Panel of Speakers
Pictured (clockwise) Lori Smith, Terri DiGiorgio, Nina Bonner, Tracy Thompson

Pictured (clockwise): Lori Smith, Terri DiGiorgio, Nina Bonner, Tracy Thompson

The NJ Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor (via the Attorney General's Advocacy Institute) and the NICB Mid-Atlantic Medical Task Force co-hosted a joint webinar presentation on Wednesday, March 30, 2022.  The topic of the presentation was: “Current Trends in Diagnostic Testing Schemes: An Introduction to VNG Testing and TCD Studies to Identify and Prove Medical Provider Fraud” presented by Lori Smith of Pattern Analysis, Inc. Other speakers who provided updates included, Insurance Fraud Prosecutor Tracy M. Thompson, AAG Nina Bonner, and SSA Terri DiGiorgio. There were 191 attendees from member company SIUs and various Federal, County, and State Law Enforcement jurisdictions. Prosecutors and private attorneys in attendance were able to count this training toward their required CLE credit.