Rouge Tower

NICB Special Agent was contacted by an SIU member regarding an alleged predatory towing company and specifically a tow truck driver that Special Agent had a previous case with. This towing company/driver reportedly refused to share the location of the vehicle and inflated the towing fee. Special Agent armed with information that was sent to her via a questionable claim referral regarding an individual towing vehicles. The Special Agent was aware of the individual named as one of the tow truck drivers and shared that information with the Police. This individual had a previous case regarding towing with the Attorney General's Office and a condition of his bond was that he does not tow vehicles anymore. In addition to that, the owner of the vehicle was not told where her vehicle was being held and subsequently filed a police report for theft. This is another step forward in dealing with the predatory towing issues in the area. On May 15, 2024, the Grand Jury issued a True Bill for the indictment of the tow truck driver for one count of Possession of Stolen Motor Vehicle. The suspect was subsequently arraigned on June 4, 2024, and placed on the Electronic Monitoring Program.