National Health Care Fraud Enforcement Action Results in 193 Defendants Charged and Over $2.75 Billion in False Claims

13 Defendants Charged in the District of New Jersey

NEWARK, N.J. – Today, U.S. Attorney Philip R. Selliniger, District of New Jersey,  announced criminal charges against 13 defendants in connection with alleged schemes to defraud Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, and private health insurers. The charges filed in federal court are part of the Department of Justice’s 2024 National Health Care Fraud Enforcement Action.

“It does not matter if you are a trafficker in a drug cartel or a corporate executive or medical professional employed by a health care company, if you profit from the unlawful distribution of controlled substances, you will be held accountable,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “The Justice Department will bring to justice criminals who defraud Americans, steal from taxpayer-funded programs, and put people in danger for the sake of profits.”

The charges announced today by U.S. Attorney Sellinger are part of a strategically coordinated, two-week nationwide law enforcement action.

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