Rental Car Theft

A member company contacted an NICB agent for assistance in the recovery of a stolen rental vehicle, 2020 Chevrolet, Silverado. The member company stated they are currently tracking the vehicle and a repo company located the truck, however they did not impound the vehicle because the public VIN has been replaced with a donor VIN. State Highway Patrol Vehicle Theft Unit  was contacted by the NICB agent to assist in the recovery. Investigation indicated that the DEA had an open investigation into the person in possession of this truck. The case continued for just over a year when DEA contacted the Highway Patrol about serving a search warrant at three residences as part of their investigation. Search warrants were executed with the assistance of DEA, FBI, State Highway Patrol Vehicle Theft Unit and NICB.  During the search warrant execution, law enforcement seized several pounds of methamphetamine, cash, weapons and five counterfeit VIN stolen vehicles. All five vehicles have member company interest.