Arizona Saw Ten-Fold Jump in Catalytic Converter Thefts, Second-Most in Nation

Travis Robertson admits he doesn’t know much about cars – but he does know that a loud rumbling is not supposed to come from underneath them when they’re started.

“It scared me,” Robertson said. “That’s an understatement, it was really scary, my car was dying.”

Robertson, a senior journalism student at Arizona State University, was on his way to cover a Sun Devils football game on that Saturday morning in October when he realized he had become a victim of catalytic converter theft.

And Robertson is not alone.

Theft of catalytic converters – the part of a car’s exhaust system that changes toxic gases to less-harmful emissions – is surging across the country and in Arizona, with cases making a particularly sharp increase in 2021.

Read the full, December 26, 2021, by Diannie Chavez, Cronkite News