Lost Wages

An insured was involved in an accident and claimed injuries from the collision. She was treated at a medical facility and was given disability slips monthly, excusing her from her work duties and was entitled to received "Loss Wage Benefits" from Esurance. After a few months of being off work she was authorized to return to work by the medical provider. The insured allegedly began altering and forging disability slips provided to her and continued to receive the loss wage benefits illegally from Esurance for 9 continuous months at a rate of $3,500.00 per month. for a total of approximately $31,500.00. The insured plead guilty to the following Felony Charges on June 20,2024: Sentence 1, Offense: Insurance - Fraudulent Acts and Sentence 2, Offense: False Pretenses - $20,000.00 or more. The insured received 2 years’ probation and was ordered  to pay restitution of $19,168.50 with a payment plan of $500 per month, State fee of $68 and Crime Victim Fee of $130 other fees waived to work at paying restitution. Defendant must maintain employment.